Series #1: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
232 Game Cards (4 Story Packs) 56 Location Cards 4 Title Cards Rules 10 Dice First Player Marker 5 Tuck Boxes
About the Game:
Over 100 years ago L. Frank Baum introduced the world to the wondrous Land of Oz. Now, experience these familiar characters, fantastic locations, and bizarre creatures as never before imagined.
The Card Game of Oz is an Epic Card Game using the Storyline Game System that adds strategy to your challenging and fun adventures through Oz.
What is an Epic Card Game?
An Epic Card Game is a new way to build a collection of card games that can be played individually or combined to expand the scope of a game. Doing away with the concept of Core Sets and Expansions, ECG sets are designed to play right out of the box, and are written to easily interact with other sets. Players can mix cards from various sets to build their own dynamic and creative adventures.
What is the Storyline Game System?
The Storyline Game System allows players to build a story line from a set of locations, characters, objects, events and effects. Once a Prime character in the storyline has reached "The End" of the storyline, the game has ended.
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